RichTextEditor Examples(PHP)
Here are some examples for RichTextEditor, the most powerful online wysiwyg content editor:
Basic Examples:
- Default toolbar config
- Plain text switcher
- Skinning the editor
- Simple Editor
- Multiple editors
- Auto adjusting height
- Readonly
- NonEditable contents
- Powerful table support
- Plain text output
- Output XHTML
- UI language
- Showing rulers
- Enter mode
- Setting the max length
- Design DocType
- Showing link editing box
Advanced Topics:
- 1 editor, multiple edit areas
- Relative/Absolute URLs
- BBCode output
- Editor in a dialog control
- Editor inside jQuery tabs
- ContextMenu Mode
- Editing full page
- Office HTML filter
- Filtering HTML code
- Cleaning pasted content
- Adding watermark to uploaded images
- JavaScript API
- Programmatic Security
- Adding custom buttons (simple)
- Adding custom buttons (dialog)
- Adding custom buttons (server)
- Formatting bold button
- Capturing save event
- Dynamically populate dropdown menu
- Editor as image selector
- Editor as file selector