RichTextEditor Examples(PHP)

Here are some examples for RichTextEditor, the most powerful online wysiwyg content editor:

Basic Examples:

  1. Default toolbar config
  2. Plain text switcher
  3. Skinning the editor
  4. Simple Editor
  5. Multiple editors
  6. Auto adjusting height
  7. Readonly
  8. NonEditable contents
  9. Powerful table support
  10. Plain text output
  11. Output XHTML
  12. UI language
  13. Showing rulers
  14. Enter mode
  15. Setting the max length
  16. Design DocType
  17. Showing link editing box

Advanced Topics:

  1. 1 editor, multiple edit areas
  2. Relative/Absolute URLs
  3. BBCode output
  4. Editor in a dialog control
  5. Editor inside jQuery tabs
  6. ContextMenu Mode
  7. Editing full page
  8. Office HTML filter
  9. Filtering HTML code
  10. Cleaning pasted content
  11. Adding watermark to uploaded images
  12. JavaScript API
  13. Programmatic Security
  14. Adding custom buttons (simple)
  15. Adding custom buttons (dialog)
  16. Adding custom buttons (server)
  17. Formatting bold button
  18. Capturing save event
  19. Dynamically populate dropdown menu
  20. Editor as image selector
  21. Editor as file selector